Thursday, July 7, 2011

Awareness Ribbon Photo Project

Pick a Cause; any Cause. There is usually a charity that someone loves and can relate to in some way. And there is usually always an awareness ribbon to represent the Cause.

CM Photography has ALWAYS supported charites. It's something we stand by and thats why I thought of doing a breast cancer awareness session emphasisng the pink ribbon. But why stop there?

There are so many people who have a story that needs to be heard. Some people don't even know what some of the colors stand for! So, just for fun, I am going to find models to do awareness sessions for each color and possibly share some inspirational photo's and stories with my beloved fans.

This is a CHARITABLE project so all sessions with the awareness ribbon project will be 100% FREE. ALL ages welcome but it is PREFFERED that you are a victim of the session you model for or have a story of why you want to model for one specific color. Only 1 FREE session per family/model (acceptions may apply, please inquire).

I think this is a perfect project for CM Photography and I can't wait to meet some awesome people who are willing to share their story.

If you would like to participate or know someone who would be interested in modeling, please just contact Jessica at (780) 218 3666 or email or visit our facebook page at


Pink Ribbon :
Meaning: Most commonly associated with breast cancer awareness, this ribbon is also a symbol for birth parents, and childhood cancer awareness (alternative color: light blue)

Yellow Ribbon :
Meaning: We've all seen this symbol used to support our troops, but it is also a symbol for MIA/POW, suicide prevention, adoptive parents, amber alerts, bladder cancer, spina bifida, endometriosis, and a general symbol for hope. A yellow ribbon with a heart is used to represent the survivors left behind after a suicide.

Pale Yellow Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of spina bifida

Red Ribbon :
Meaning: Most commonly associated with the fight against AIDS and HIV, this ribbon also is a symbol for heart disease, stroke, substance abuse, MADD, DARE, Epidermolysis Bullosa, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Burgundy Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of brain aneurysm, Cesarean section (worn upside down), headaches, hemangioma, vascular malformation, hospice care, multiple myeloma, William's syndrome, Thrombophilia, Antiphospholid Antibody Syndrome, and adults with disabilities

Purple Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, domestic violence, ADD, alzheimer's, religious tolerance, animal abuse, the victims of 9/11 including the police and firefighters, Crohn's disease and colitis, cystic fibrosis, lupus, leimyosarcoma, and fibromyalgia

Lavender Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for general cancer awareness. It can also be a symbol for epilepsy, and rett syndrome

Periwinkle Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of eating disorders and pulmonary hypertension

Blue Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of drunk driving, child abuse, Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), the victims of hurricane Katrina, dystonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), alopecia, Education, Epstein-Barr Virus, Save the Music, colon cancer (alternative ribbon color: brown), colorectal cancer (alternative ribbon color: brown), and anti-tobacco - particularly anti-second hand smoke (in Canada; alternative ribbon color: brown), I Love Clean Air/ILCA Campaign (Japan)

Dark Blue Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of arthritis, child abuse prevention, victim's rights, free speech, water quality, and water safety

Light Blue Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of childhood cancer (alternative color: pink), prostate cancer, Trisomy 18, and scleroderma

Teal Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancers as well as sexual assault, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and tsunami victims

Green Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of childhood depression, missing children, open records for adoptees, environmental concerns, kidney cancer, tissue/organ donation, homeopathy, and worker and driving safety

Orange Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of leukemia, hunger, cultural diversity, humane treatment of animals, and self-injury awareness

White Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of innocence, victims of terrorism, violence against women, peace, right to life, bone cancer, adoptees, and retinal blastoma

Pearl Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for emphysema, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and multiple sclerosis

Black Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of mourning, melanoma, and gang prevention

Brown Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is an anti-tobacco symbol as well as a symbol of colon cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue), colorectal cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue)

Grey Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of diabetes, asthma, and brain cancer

Silver Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for children with disabilities, Parkinson's disease, and mental illnesses such as severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders.

Gold Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for childhood cancer

Jigsaw Puzzle Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for autism

Lace Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for osteoporosis

Pink and Blue Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death due to SIDS or other causes

Flag Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for both the victims and heros of the 9/11 attacks. It is also a symbol of patriotism and support of our troops. In addition, it is a symbol of fireworks safety.

Rainbow Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol of gay pride and support for the GLBT community and their quest for equal rights.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


So, considering I have posted a few times now about my "style change" it's really me wanting to try something differently. It's not that I don't like what I do now, I will definitely still be doing maternity, child and family photos for anyone interested. I mostly just want to branch out into something slightly different. 

So that means I am going to be doing another price change.

Child, Family, Newborn and Maternity Photo sessions - $125 ea. which includes 20 images on a CD with full printing rights

Couples, Boudoir, Grads, Trash the dress - $50
which includes 20 images on a CD with full printing rights

Specials - FREE!

So, the big moment.....................................

What kind of photography am I looking into now, you ask? I really want to focus on individuals, boudoir, glamour (with wicked makeup) and couples. But with couples, I want to focus more on the "sexy" part of being in love. (Photo's attached and no, I did not take them) I want to deliver passion and excitement. I really just want to photograph anything "different". It's not like I don't want to do kids or families its just that its what EVERYONE does so I definitely want to step out of the crowd and try something different. I do have a few ideas in my mind that I want to bring to life though...!!

Now, I just need models.................

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is this Really for ME?

I don't want to do this forever. That was stated in previous blogs (are they posted or just drafts?!) 

The last few weeks I have been thinking a lot about what kind of photography I want to do. It's not that I don't like photography by all means, I would much rather do photography and edit photos than to go to a retail job anytime! -  I am definitely looking into a lot of changes....big changes....such as not actively looking to get clients unless they come to me (and yes, that includes possible deletion of my facebook page.) I have a vision of how I want to do photography.

Why? This is because I simply want to practice - a lot - and get better at many things and learn things I don't know how to do and whatnot. Which obviously comes with experience but also, from learning and taking courses. I am definitely going to be actively looking into getting into some kind of training or ways of getting better and PRACTICING. So be prepared for a lot of free shoots?

I also think I need to specialize in something. Everyone who starts out, I find, takes all the clients they can get....there are so many photographers who specialize in everything (which is a good thing because everyone needs to find out what the prefer) but I really want to focus on one thing (eventually that will be just destination/travel/around the world) but for right now, I am thinking more on the couples/singles/boudoir and other adult shoots.

This is probably because I don't have kids so I am not really very good at "controlling" them, getting them to pose, relaxing them or making them feel comfortable. I have never really been around them in my life so that is understandable and its not that I don't want to learn, its that I find photography much more fun when it's a single or couple. I am sure former clients can tell my inexperience with kids (not in a bad way). 

I will definitely be taking special requests and possibly be doing kids and families and newborns and whatnot upon hire....but again, I am going to be looking for a more model base right let me know if you're interested!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Charity: Who is it really about & who should YOU donate to?

I don't know how to start a blog like this. Do I start off by introducing myself, what I do, what I have done in the past, why I started this business? I don't think any of that is relevant to anything I am going to say throughout this post.

This blog post is about charity. Those who know my business know I have always given to charities throughout the year (on a month to month basis) donating 25% of what I make at photography to charity. Its something that has always been important to me - through good and bad - if there is or is not a major event that happens in Japan or Haiti or anywhere around the world. Charity always has been and always will be important 24/7 365 because SOMEONE always needs help in some way. Even if you cannot help them personally you would be shocked at how much $1 can do for a life.

I am always amazed at how quick the world responds to natural disasters! People giving as much as they can, it makes me so proud to be part of the world. What I don't get is....why does it stop?

"How come when the media stops covering and there’s a little help from the government we forget about the people still struggling and assume that its really all love again, see we don’t have to wait for things to break apart if you weren’t involved before it’s never too late to start." -Young Artists' for Haiti

Why do we forget? Why do we stop giving? I work at a retail store and often have to ask people to donate to natural disaster relief and so often I get "I already did" like, honestly, there is a limit to how much you can donate. (Especially when someone spends $50 on something they don't really need, but can't donate even points, or even $1 to the cause but will get their Starbucks coffee the next day.)

Another thing I don't understand is why people donate. What is their motive? Are they doing it because "everyone else is" and they are followers? Are they doing it because they feel obligated to? Or are they doing it to get ahead themselves? Too often do I see people "playing god" when something happens so that they get more and more attention. But for the wrong reason. While everyone thinks they are giving attention to the cause, that person "in charge of it" becomes more and more popular and bringing more and more attention to one person instead of a community of people doing the same thing.

I STRONGLY encourage any reader of this blog to RESEARCH ANYONE you desire to give money or time to. Do their motives match yours? & Try to always donate to a bigger charity (such as a red cross or Salvation Army) with a great reputation with following through so you know that everything you donate (or a large portion) will go to relief efforts (or what you're donating to). Do not always trust people you think you know. If they seem to be trying to act like God, they probably are doing it for the wrong reason, let the big charities do that. I also encourage you to donate whenever you can, even if it's only $1! Also, do NOT get involved in charities that do not have complete understanding of what is happening. If they seem unorganized, and unsure, they probably are.

  • Feed a family living in the garbage dumps of Reynosa, Mexico a meal.
  • Or, give an indigenous child living in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico a Christmas present.
  • Or, print 4 studies that we give to Mexican pastors, or print and mail a study to a pastor who lives farther away.
  • Or, copy a CD of a teaching, which will minister to a pastor.
  • Or, print and mail a copy of "Life-Line for Pastors" to an American pastor who needs help and encouragement.
  • Or, buy one minute of air time on Mexican radio.
  • Or, allow us to visit a Mexican pastor to encourage him and pray for his family.
  • Or, keep our web site, which is ministering to thousands of people per month, on the Internet for two days.
  • Or, provide materials for Vacation Bible School for a Mexican child.
  • Or, put 100 tracts in the hands of a Mexican pastor.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Please inquire to find out how you can get YOUR photo session for only $160!
The more people interested, the higher chance that this will be a reality and the sooner we can book the hotel!
Please email if you are interested in booking!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best. Shoot. Ever. (So far!)

Ok, normally I do not brag about my work but I am so happy with how this shoot turned out. The emotion, and the love you can just see and feel in the photo's are just powerful, I had to share!

This weekend I got the privilege to meet someone who has been interested in getting photo's done since she was close to her due date. It was so flattering that out of all the photographers out there - she wanted me to take her photo's and was definitely set on it! Not only is this shoot special because of the love this couple has for their daughter, but also because the father is in the military which is something I have always respected, from family being in the military, to wanting to join myself. It was such a great shoot. No words could describe it. You can really see the love this couple has for their little girl.


CM Photography

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Free Photo Shoot Disclaimer

CM photography free photo shoots may include:
  • Specials
  • First time shoots or practice shoots
  • New props models
  • Charity Models
  • Wild ideas and so on
Photos will be posted in my portfolio (and yours if required with a watermark) if they meet my expectations. 
I cannot guarantee any of the photos will turn out (although that has never happened) which is why it is free of charge. If this happens, a second free shoot may be issued at my discretion .

If you are interested in a free shoot, I expect full response. If you do not reply after a certain length of time, you will lose your spot and a different model may be chosen. Remember, this is 100% of my time, effort and creativity, free of charge, I am going to give a free shoot to someone who really wants it. 

If you have any specific ideas or creative shoots done (that I have not done before) a discount may be issued; or depending on the complexity and my overall interest in doing that shoot (although I am pretty much open to anything) it may be free. 

Free photo shoots get you 15 of the best images. If you want them all the cost will be $20 in which $5 will go to charity. Remember I do a lot of charity work so if you decided to help with that any amount you decide to give will go 100% to charity. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!

Thank you!